Co-Creation - New Product Development - Survey Results 2
Tribe, the T-shirt survey has closed and the final results are in.
Staying true to our belief in co-creation we opened the floor to you to decide what direction T-Bô’s new products should take.
In summary, the results from the first survey, told us that the tribe is an active bunch who want more T-Shirts! (view the full results of the first survey here)
But we wanted to know more and took this even further by asking You your cut and fit preference. Well the are the results are in, here goes...
What you guys don’t like about other t-shirts out there in the market
Boy, we hear you loud and clear and this is what do you want….
And what about the fit and cut details?
The sleeve
The knockout winner is : Raglan Sleeve
We are not surprised as we know you are a sporty bunch who love the active look.
Almost half of you, 40% want a V-Neck style.
And lastly, it looks like You want to wear T-Bô t-shirts every day, all day :)
Boom! There you have it.
Before I head on to start working on the new T-Shirt collection,
Now that we know the product fit and cut details, we are now getting ready with the prototypes.
Stay tuned
P.S I would like to send a big shout out to all the tribe members that filled out the surveys! You guys rock!